We now accept Bitcoin!

3D rendered close up illustration of paneled golden Bitcoins group with depth of field blur

Domain Hunter Gatherer is now accepting Bitcoins! As the title suggests you can now use the world’s most renowned crypto currency for subscribing to the world’s most efficient and effective expired domain finding software. Nothing major has been changed other than the currency that can be used for buying Domain Hunter Gatherer now. All of… Continue reading We now accept Bitcoin!

Domain Quality / Spam Check

There are a number of metrics that can be used to give an indication of the all round quality of a domain and whether it has a history of spam content or backlinks. Manually checking all of the usual indicators of expired domain quality doesn’t usually take an enormous amount of time, maybe just 10 minutes… Continue reading Domain Quality / Spam Check

Domain Hunter Gatherer Update v1.6.44

Domain Hunter Gatherer has been updated to v1.6.44 bringing with it the following changes and improvements: Improved: Searching pages error checking Improved: Removed .gr TLD Improved: Removed unregisterable .us TLDs Improved: Better resetting of unavailable variable in expired domain checking Improved: Updated .pro TLD whois server Improved: Updated .ru.com TLD whois server Improved: Updated .se… Continue reading Domain Hunter Gatherer Update v1.6.44