Domaining Video Guides

Helpful Expired Domainer Guides

Our most used Domaining Video Guides

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Getting Started - Settings for Success

Setting up Domain Hunter Gatherer doesn't have to take long and with this guide you can be up and running within minutes. See how to correctly enter in proxies or API settings for your desired quality tracker. Everything you need to know to get everything setup correctly to ensure you are getting the most from Domain Hunter Gatherer

Using Domain Auction Hunter

The domain auction hunter can be used to quickly and automatically harvest auction listings from all of the major domain auction sites to find the best domains in your niche. The whole process takes just minutes and can be done as frequently as you like for any niche for absolutely no cost.

Find Web2.0 accounts with backlinks

Every day more and more web2.0 and blogging accounts with decent backlinks and social shares become available for free. With Web2.0 Hunter you can effortlessly find these accounts and check their quality so you are only spending your time on your preferred accounts. These accounts are always absolutely free and are incredible for increasing the power of your PBN.

Find Quality Expired Domains

People pay thousands for quality aged domains on auction sites as they are known to be powerful for building a PBN for personal uses or selling links. You can even redirect the backlink profile and traffic straight to money sites for a quick ranking and traffic boost. See how to correctly use these controls to find unlimited premium domains that can be snapped up for the low cost of registering a regular domain.

Using the Saving and Loading Controls

Sometimes you may not have enough time to finish finding and analysing your domain lists or you just want to revisit later on. Saving and Loading of lists is quick and easy but there are a number of options and different ways in which this can be done so check out this run down of how to use these controls properly so you don't lose any valuable domains.

Filtering Domain Lists

When dealing with large lists of domains it can become a bit overwhelming trying to find the diamonds in the rough. Filtering out of the domains obviously not appropriate for your needs will make finding the quality domains much simpler.

Analysing Domains to find the Gems

What good is a list of domains if you have no idea what the quality of these domains is. Analysing your domains list should be paramount and this video shows how to use the controls effectively so that you can find the domains that meet and exceed your quality requirements.

Using the Domain List Controls

While the domain list appears to simply be a display of the domains and their quality stats it is actually a treasure trove of useful functions and features. See how you can easily get advanced whois information, browse backlink profile on your preferred site explorer, export selected domains, visit the domain in your default browser and much more. If you don't watch this video you are probably missing out on some great features.

Quick Affiliates Guide

See some of the amazing marketing materials available to all affiliates to get up and running in no time. We didn't want to just create a bunch of amazing banners for people to use when promoting so we went the extra mile and had a huge amount of sales copy written in the form of emails and articles so whataver your marketing methods we have the materials to get you earning right away with minimal effort.

How to Register Found web2.0 accounts

See how to take ownership of your found web2.0 and blog accounts that are found with Domain Hunter Gatherer. Including examples for numerous different sites.

Find Expired Domains with Authority Links

Guide showing how to use the Hunter Expired Domains from a Website to find domains with highly authoritative backlinks before purchasing. This can also be used for finding domains from your main competitors, simply substitute an authority domain for any and all of your major competitors and easily gather up what DHG finds for you.

Find Expired Domains in any Niche

Extensive guide on using Domain Hunter Gatherer to find expired domains in any niche. Follow this giude to find expired domains in your niche and see how Domain Hunter Gatherer can mine domains and show you all of the important Moz and Majestic stats without the need for any API code or account at either site.

Check List of Pages for Available Domains

I regularly get asked if it is possible to run a list of webpages / domains through Domain Hunter Gatherer to mine out the available domains and if so how. Not only is this possible but it is actually a really simple process. Follow this guide to see how you can quickly and easily check your webpage and domain lists to find any avilable domains contained within.