Newsletter – 2nd April 2018 – Server move notification, Privacy Policy and more

This is a web based version of the email newsletter, it may not be exactly the same as the newsletter but the content is representative of what was sent out to users.

As some of you may have noticed recently at certain times of the day it can take some time to login to the software or website, this is predominantly due to the current server that hosts the website, update and login system becoming overloaded due to the huge popularity of Domain Hunter Gatherer.

Due to this popularity I have moved all other domains away from the server allowing all system resources to be directed to the DHG and PBL-Soft websites and services. I plan on moving the PBL-Soft and DHG websites to a new server with approximately 8 times the available resources of the current server. This should maintain smooth running of the server and it’s associated services for years to come.

I do plan on moving everything over incrementally so the final DNS changes will be relatively pain free and should be unnoticeable by most but I wanted to send out this email so if users see the website down for a few minutes you know not to be too concerned, everything should be back up and running a few minutes later as DNS changes propagate.

Any other news?

Nope…. Nothing….

Actually; yeah there is!

This week I introduced a new feature that allows users to import a list of files as big as they want and have DHG run each file as a separate job for checking domains for availability. This unassuming feature is one that allows power users to import hundreds of millions of domains and have DHG check them for availability without using up huge system resources as it would with any other method. I have been running a test of 240+ million domains since the update was released and the tool is still happily churning through these lists of domains with many millions of domains being found.

The best thing about this new feature is that for just a couple of minutes of work setting up the job DHG has now found me 34 million domains. No other method id this time efficient for power domainers.

So what is coming in future?

A server move and huge update in a week is not enough for you? Ok well how about this?

My reason for running a list of 240+million domains is to introduce the biggest update to the Easy Expired Domains database since release, it will be increasing from around 20 million domains to over 60 million domains with more big updates coming for that platform.

Domain Hunter Gatherer will also be bringing feature that will be another Domain Hunter Gatherer Pro first to add the huge list of features that nothing else comes close to replicating.

Throughout April we will be updating our Privacy Policy, thanks to the ever useful EU pumping out the totally useful and not at all pointless GDPR. I will be emailing out about these very important updates nearer the time just so that everyone can read through pages of interesting Privacy Policy, I know this will be the highlight of the year for everyone involved. I, personally, cannot wait for this and for the new privacy policies of every major corporation.

I will also be running some amazing special offers after the server move has been completed so if you are looking to get involved with easily the best software for finding expired domains then there may be no better time than this next couple of weeks. I will obviously be emailing about this special offer as it will be the first proper deal I have offered since the early 2018 deals.

If you have read all of this then well done you deserve a cookie.

Thanks a lot to all, you are all very appreciated.

Domain Hunter Gatherer