Which Stat Services Do You Use?

Here at Dom Huga Ltd we have been mulling over some huge changes and additions to our current offerings as well as adding a bunch of entirely new functionality. One of the bug things we have been looking into recently is the addition of Ahrefs stats to the DomDetailer service.

Last week we sent out an email asking people’s opinions on the best way to implement this and the response we received was almost overwhelming, it really was amazing to see how passionate a lot of people are for DomDetailer and our other services.

So here we are today wondering which were the most popular stat services and again we are looking to get some feedback from you fine people. Knowing what is important to you will help us to shape the tool to suit people’s needs more closely.

Which do you / would you use?
470 votes · 1000 answers

If you could take a couple of seconds to answer the question above it would mean a lot to us and help us to make our services that much better for you in turn.

Thanks guys, I look forward to seeing the results.

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