How to Find Expired Domains

With 100s of thousands of domains expiring every day there are a lot of domains out there to sift through and finding the domains that you want isn’t always as simple as we would like. Luckily, we have tools that can make this process a lot simpler and less time consuming.

An expired domain is a type of aged domain that can be very valuable, here we will be looking at some simple methods for finding the different types of aged domains.

What Tools can help find Expired Domains?

There are a few individual tools that can be used together to make some of the harder tasks more simple and one that bundles all of these tools into one package, Domain Hunter Gatherer Pro, the tool suite we will focus on here.

As every approach is unique when using the many different free and paid tools required to search, crawl, check availability and get stats, we will concentrate on Domain Hunter Gatherer Pro as it performs all of these tasks for us with great speed. It is not possible to do all of these tasks as quickly when using multiple tools.

To find expired domains we first need to know what sort of domains we are looking to register as this will determine how we find them.

The main types of domains are:

Domains with links from ranking sites

If you are building a PBN specifically to target your website you may want domains that already have links, these links should be from sites that are ranking for keywords in your niche.

The easiest way to find these domains is to search your keywords, crawl the results and look at the domains these ranking pages link out to. Manually this would be unreasonably laborious but with the help of tools can be fairly simple.

Find Expired Domains

Be sure to have plenty of proxies if you are using this approach as search engines, Google especially, are very quick to block Ip addresses that perform lots of searches.

With Domain Hunter Gatherer Pro you can simply enter in your keyword and it will perform all tasks for you, if you want it will even get important stats, such as Moz, Majestic and Social Stats automatically for you.

The whole process for setting up a job to find expired domains with links from sites that are currently ranking for your keywords, these links can be very beneficial for niche specific PBNs.

Domain Containing Keywords

Sometimes a website or business will need domains that contain a specific keyword or text. Using other tools it is not simple to just find these types of domains and check their availability but Domain Hunter Gatherer Pro includes access to Easy Expired Domains, a database of over 40 million expired domains.

Find Keyword Containing Expired Domains

With this access it is very easy to find thousands of expired domains for most niches and single keywords.

In the gif above DHG Pro is searching for thousands of domains that contain the entered keyword, checking the availability for them all and then getting the stats for the domains that are available.

Doing this manually could take hours, with multiple stages requiring setting up manually, here we just set it up in a few seconds and hit Search, DHG did the rest.

Domains with Links from Competitors

What could be better than owning a domain with a backlink from one of your competitors websites?

To find these types of domains it would be possible to use a website crawling tool to find links to bad pages on external domains, strip the page information from the links, collate a list of domains and then gradually enter these domains to a domain registrars “bulk” availability checker (that probably takes less than 50 domains at a time) and then finally get the stats for these domains but that can be a laborious task. The need for multiple tools and services to do this could also mean it is an expensive task.

Find Expired Domains with Authority Backlinks

With Domain Hunter Gatherer you can just enter a list of your competitors and have it do all of the crawling, hunting, availability checking and stats checking for you.

See how easy it can be to start finding these precious domains that could give you a leg up on your competition. With just a few inputs DHG will keep crawling the required websites until it has done the whole site or you decide you’ve found enough domains.

Find Expired Domains