You’re sat at your computer staring at a the screen full of expired domains just waiting to be registered. You’ve started using Domain Hunter Gatherer Pro and now your worries have shifted from “where will I find a great domain” to “how to monetize aged domains”.
We’ve been in this position and it is a genuine concern. We only have so much time in our day so it is important to not waste any on something that isn’t going to pay off. Take a few minutes to take a look at these amazing uses for expired domains and you may find the one that fits with your preferences.
Domain Flipping
This is a classic. Million dollar enterprises have been built up through domain flipping and if you have been domaining for a while you are likely aware of some of the many huge domains sellers 😉.
Domain Flipping can make a seller rich beyond your dreams (dream dependent*) but, if you are wanting to make money from this then you will need to know that the domains are not just clean or powerful but saleable. For flipping domains you will need to know what you’re doing AND have the cash to sit on lots of domains while they sell.
Sell Domain Lists

If you have the knowledge but not necessarily the funds to sit on a bunch of domains then you can still get in on the flipping market without laying down hundreds of dollars on domains every week.
Lots of people want to buy aged domains but simply don’t know how to find domains in their niche. To these people they may need someone to provide them a list of domains from their niche.
You can build up a list of daily domains or niche specific domains and sell direct or rent access to your list. If you are good with finding quality domains you could offer a service to find domains on a per customer basis in their required niche. This can be a great way to monetize your domain lists without spending a large amount on any domains that may never sell.
Build Niche Site
If you have a great domain with a lot of authority in a particular niche it may be a good idea to get a niche site built on it. For this type of site to be successful the domain needs to be clean. If you are building a website for longevity you need it to have a pristine content and hosting history, such that it hasn’t been switched up repeatedly in the past.
This could be used to later on sell links from, advertise products via ads or promotional posts. This wouldn’t really be the sort of website that you would want to sell bulk backlinks from as it’s authority in a niche would be one of it’s strengths so you should focus more on niche related product reviews or ad placements.
Build Affiliate Site

Much like a niche website an affiliate site would be a clean domain with a strong backlink profile relating to a particular product or service. With this type of website you will want to be pushing affiliate links to purchase the product / service or products that can be used in conjunction with that item or maybe even competes against that product.
These types of sites will usually be very laser focused in their type of content and quite limited in the scope of content that could be made around the product. If you are struggling for content ideas for an affiliate site you could create some written or video guides on how to use the product.
Create a PBN / Sell Links
If you have the funds to register and host a group of domains you could create a Private Blog Network. There are really 2 main uses for a PBN and it really comes down to what your intentions with it are.
If you are looking to use the PBN to promote your own websites you will not want to sell any links or guest posts on the site. A Private Blog Network should always be used for your own private uses only and not have it linked with any other website. A private PBN should always be kept under wraps and to yourself, this will ensure it has benefits for a lot longer.
Recently, this has become a popular way to monetize your expired domains as you will have control over multiple sites and, if done right, the backlinks can be a great benefit to your customers.
When selling links or guest posts on a PBN it would be advisable to not advertise the exact sites that you are renting / selling backlinks from as you don’t want non-customers having access to that. You can refer to the stats of domains to promote them but not anything that would make them easily identifiable.
In my opinion, the best PBN websites are the ones that look like genuine websites that are either run by a business or a fan of a subject rather than something clearly built to sell links from. Be sure to mix up the theme, colour schemes and content used on all of the websites in a PBN to make it look as legitimate as possible.
Rent / Lease Domains

If you are great at finding domains that already have traffic coming from them or a banging backlink profile you could rent the domains rather than sell them. The majority of the market seems to be into buying and selling domains, flipping them, rather than renting out or leasing domains but this is becoming more popular.
This can be done via your DNS settings or via some simple php code that something like chat-gpt could provide or a google search could easily provide. There are many ways to perform this simple task.
Do be aware that traffic from a domain can drop dramatically over night so you should ensure the rent from a domain is representative of the value of the traffic of the domain.
Wrap Up
As with most businesses, if you want to be successful, you will have to stand out in some way. Don’t just copy what everyone else is doing, always try to excel in at least one area. This could be on price or quality or it could just mean having an amazing sales pitch.
One thing that always seems to get people ahead in business is to be reliable and persistent. If you are reliable there is a good chance your customers will come back and also talk about you online which is just more business.